Breitling Navitimer Quartz Chrono BT-218 Artists
Kurt Von Voetsch, who was diagnosed last year with brain cancer, bared his strange and conflicted soul in an exhibition in the University at Buffalo's Anderson Gallery that he dubbed his "cancer world." Filled with ruminations on his diagnoses, his innate and unavoidable fears, his concern with his own popularity and posterity, this Breitling Navitimer Quartz Chrono BT-217 and ego-soaked installation of whacked-out paper collages, sketches and sculptures formed from his own drawings and other material, is a helter-skelter glimpse into the mind of a fascinating, impulsive and wildly creative personality.
Warren Quigley, whohails from Ridgeway, Ont., created a tongue-in-cheek installation titled "The Official Comprehensive Inclusive Strategic Instructive Survival Guide&Kit Breitling Navitimer Quartz Chrono BT-218 Artists in Buffalo during the Apocalypse" in the Western New York Book Arts Center.It was funny in a sly, ironic way that put me in mind of an Onion article (features include recipes for Asian Carp and grasshopper enchiladas) and came complete with an array of objects needed to survive in a post-Apocalyptic Rust Belt city such as our own. The work was part of Illana Chlebowski's expertly curated trio of artists at the Book Arts Center that also featured fantastic work by Scott McCarney and Joel Brenden.
Geoffrey Alan Rhodes, who is handy with video technology, created what might have been the most engaging interactive installation of the entire exhibition, a piece called "52 Card Psycho" (above). By placing a series of cards on a table beneath a camera, participants could create their own visual and sonic Breitling Navitimer Quartz Chrono BT-219 based on the famous shower scene from Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho." The work's complex conceptual power ran just as deep as its popular appeal--a balance of intellect and allure for which too few artists strive.
Julian Montague's exhibition in the Burchfield Penney Art Center, like that of Weekley, Victoria Bradbury and other Beyond/In artists, was just one illustration of a much larger Breitling Navitimer Quartz Chrono BT-220 crafted by the artist. In Montague's case, the key figure in that mythology is a manic collector of bugs who also happens to be a meticulous chronicler of urban decay and a phenomenally talented graphic designer. The resulting installation (on view through Jan. 3) is a treat as much for the eyes as for the brain.
In a storefront window at 110 Elmwood Ave., a video by Tom Sherman-- a media artist who splits his time between Syracuse and Nova Scotia--serves as an homage to semiprofessional wrestling and nature. Given the recent debate over public funding for the arts, in which the Catholic League argued wrongly that professional wrestling is Breitling Navitimer Quartz Chrono BT-221 popular than art museums, this piece seems all too appropriate. Sherman's work bridges the gap between "everyday people" and fine art by inserting work that honors a working class tradition into an everyday context.
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