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Katherine Merkel's father, Bvlgari Aluminium Quartz Chrono BL-91 Merkel, said: "Everyone was a loser."
"A young woman is going to jail," he said. "Five teens are dead. There weren't any winners in this."
Vasquez's attorney, Kathleen Colton, had portrayed her young client as a good Samaritan who was not blameless but did not deserve to go to jail.
"There is enough blame to go around, Bvlgari Aluminium Quartz Chronograph BL-58 blame isn't guilt," she said during closing arguments Tuesday. "The one person who wanted to help drunken teenagers is now called the defendant."
Vasquez testified that she went to the home that night to pick up her younger sister. She said she agreed to give one obviously intoxicated teen a ride home, then others asked to join them. She maintained she was not drunk, and jurors appeared to focus on that point, asking during 12 hours of deliberations for written transcripts of expert testimony on Vasquez's blood-alcohol level.
Vasquez admitted to drinking as many as four drinks that night but said she was not drunk. Different types of blood-alcohol readings showed her level as high as .124, although Bvlgari Assioma Automatic BL-34 expert said it could have been as low as .04.
As the verdicts were read, Vasquez remained stoic while her brother and sister sobbed. But she, too, began to sob after the judge revoked her bond and said she would be taken into custody.
Vasquez, who works with Bvlgari Assioma Automatic BL-35 dementia and Alzheimer's patients, was allowed to call her 8-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter before being booked into the county jail, said Colton, who plans to ask that her client be sentenced to probation.
"She has led an exemplary life since this case has been pending," Colton said. "I think it would be a travesty if she was sent to prison."
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